Orthopedic physical therapy consists of the diagnosing, treating, healing, and management of musculoskeletal disorders. Orthopedic physical therapy is most often performed in an out-patient setting, where the therapists are specifically trained in dealing with these types of diagnoses. Our therapists are highly skilled and constantly trained in the use of manual (hands-on) techniques, exercises, and accessory equipment to accelerate the patient’s restoration to full function. At Action Therapy Inc., we treat all orthopedic conditions from head to toe including, TMD, neck and back pain, shoulder, hip and knee pain, Plantar Fasciitis, and Carpal Tunnel. Our therapists will create a customized treatment plan that meets the patient’s specific needs and goals.
We specialize in the following types of orthopedic care:
- Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a clinical approach that utilizes skilled, specific hands-on techniques such as manipulation, mobilization, myofascial release, massage, and muscle energy techniques. It is used to treat soft tissue, joints, and nerves for the purpose of decreasing pain, increasing range of motion (ROM), facilitating movement, and improving function.
Some of the orthopedic disorders we treat using manual therapy are:
- Strains / Sprains
- Neck & Head Aches
- Low Back / Spine Conditions
- Arthritis / DJD
- Tendonitis / Bursitis
- Joint Replacements and Reconstruction
- Scar Tissue Management